~Planet Earth~
I've amassed a small amount of doujinshi over the past year or
so, the majority of them Digimon. I feel it's time to show them off.
The doujinshi below are listed in order of purchase, first to most recent. Click on the
circle/doujin-ka's name to go to their website, if I know of it.
Summaries may not be accurate; they are just what I have been able to interpret
with my miniscule knowledge of the Japanese language. Pictures are worth a
thousand words, though. You don't need to know Japanese to know when
people are kissing. ^^;
As is my way of things, there aren't any thumbnails. I'll try to provide
fair descriptions, though.
All scans are PG-13 or below. (I haven't had a chance to get scans of the
good stuff in Pirorin Candies ^^;;)
Title: Mebae
[Circle]/Author: Katagiri Atsuko (also known as Atsuatsu Cook)
Pages: 28
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato
Summary: Taichi confronts Yamato, who runs away from him. Taichi looks for him and finds him by listening for harmonica music. They yell at each other some more (well, it's mostly Yama yelling..) and then Taichi moves in for the kiss. Yama gets real upset and angsty and such, and Taichi comforts him. ...There's a one-page comic that looks like guest art, it's not Atsuko's style. It has what appears to be a contest between Yamato and Taichi as to who can kiss harder or something.. and at least Jyou and Sora are disturbed by it. ^^;;
Scans: Front cover * Chibi Tai and Yama omake * Taichi finds Yamato by hearing the music * Taichi comforts Yamato * One-page comic
Title: Dokodemo Issho
[Circle]/Author: (I think these are separate) Joint and FinalLap
Pages: 76
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato is the only one I can confirm; read summary.
Summary: Whoo boy! This book's just a big collection of Digimon spoofing other well-known anime, with some text stories thrown in here and there (but hardly enough to bother me). There's a spoof for Giant Robo (Giant Toko.. it's great ^^), Ultraman, Pokemon (just a little Taichi and Yamato cosplay image, really), Detective Conan (there's a few scattered through the book), Utena (with Jyou as Anthy, no less!), and Sakura Taisen. There's also a cute Takeru and Angemon story to take note of. I said Taito was a pairing because there's a free-talk page with a lot of doodles emphasizing it. (Bride and groom, seriously, come on, they're not talking about platonic friendship!)
Scans: Front cover * DigiDestined Duellists * Husband and... husband? * Back cover
Title: Day's 2
[Circle]/Author: Kadota Sakana
Pages: 52
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato
Summary: The doujinshi-ka who did this does a lot of books.. this is the second of the Day's series. I don't know what it has to do with the rest, but it can stand alone, certainly. Yamato thinks back to when he and Taichi were fighting Vamdemon... He goes for a night walk alone and Taichi traps him against a tree. He gets all sad and stuff and starts telling Taichi about when his parents got divorced (and yes, that means shots of that sexy momma Natsuko!). He breaks down crying and Taichi comforts him, kissing off his tears, and they end up making out and then falling asleep under the tree. Yamato wakes up the next morning and wakes Taichi up, they talk a bit, and then Taichi makes a move on Yama and he gets annoyed. Taichi seems to be willing to be 'just friends' though. ^^ ...There's a second story, a Valentines Day one, printed on pink paper. It's about Taichi and Yamato making a cake and being all cute about it.
Scans: Front cover * Hot momma Natsuko * An unexpected kiss * Good cake!
Title: Wheel of Fortune
[Circle]/Author: Aketebikkuritamatebako (that's what the insert said.. ^^;;)
Pages: 28
Pairing(s): Taichi+Koushirou, Koushirou+Tentomon
Summary: I know the pairings seem much unlike what I would buy, but I have my reasons--the artist does a lot of hentai and shota works, and very few normal doujin. I happen to be a big fan of their art, so when I found a clean doujin of theirs up on eBay, I grabbed it. ...There are two stories in the book, one about little Koushirou watching a ladybug on the windowsill (it flies away and he gets all sad..), and the other has Taichi and Koushirou talking at soccer practice. The omake in the book is particularly nice (mmm... young Gennai..).
Scans: Front cover * Koushirou and the ladybug * Cute KouTento omake * Sweet sexy Gennai * Back cover
Title: Toshishita no Otoko no Kou
[Circle]/Author: Katagiri Atsuko
Pages: 32
Pairing(s): 01Taichix02Yamato (and the reverse as well..)
Summary: 01 Taichi shows up at 02 Yamato's door, Yamato lets him in, feeds him, and gets rewarded with a kiss... Yama smacks him over the head and then drags his unconscious body to the bedroom. They lie in bed, and when Taichi wakes up he isn't happy with being in bed with Yamato and not DOING anything... so he does something. ^^;; Yamato doesn't seem thrilled with a little kid giving him head, so they end up switching places. The rest of the book gets rather confusing, as clothing keeps disappearing and reappearing (I don't know if this is Atsuko's mistake or if the text explains it..) and it's all pretty random ^^;; The last page has a reversal of the ages, as 01 Yamato shows up at 02 Taichi's place.
Scans: Front cover * Taichi is kawaii! * Yamato gives Tai-chan a whack * One of those random clothesless moments
Title: Digital Panic Mix
[Circle]/Author: various (including Sela Sinya, Yamada J-Ta, Sutemuki, Seileitoh, and several others)
Pages: somewhere around 200 (I can't find page numbers anywhere, but it's an anthology so.. it's big.)
Pairing(s): DaisukexKen, TaichixYamato, YamatoxMr. Ishida, TakeruxDaisuke, TaichixKoushirou, KenxMiyako
Summary: There's 01, 02, and Tamers stories all mixed in (hence, the 'Mix' part of the title). It's an anthology, so none of the stories have to do with each other, and there are a lot of one-page stories, making it hard to summarize. Anthologies are also hard to scan, due to their small but thick size. So.. go to the websites up there. ^^;
Scans: Front cover * Back cover
Title: Pirorin Candies
[Circle]/Author: Katagiri Atsuko (gee, can you tell I'm a fan of her works?)
Pages: 40 (but not really--there's a poster that accounts for 4 or 5 pages, according to the page numbers)
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato
Summary: In the first story, "Bubble Boys," Taichi comes over to Yamato's apartment, just as Yamato is going to take a bath. Taichi decides not to wait until Yamato is done though. Oh no! He barges in, undresses (I'm obsessed with the little flying underwear doodle ^^;), and gets in the tub with him. There's a bit of talking, and then Taichi does a little ass-pinching and things go up a notch after that ^^ The rest of that story is about them trying to have sex but keeping quiet so that Yamato's father doesn't hear them. The second story, "Candy Time," reminds me of my old friend's 'Spree Game'--02 Yamato and Taichi pass a piece of candy back and forth between each other's mouths...in school. They get caught by Sora at the end ^^;; She says something about a present but Atsuko's handwriting is pretty hard to read if you don't know Japanese (as I don't). I don't know why she switched back from typed to handwritten, it's a real pain.
Scans: Front cover * "Sweet Candies" poster * Taichi's bad (good?) timing * Flying underwear! (this is a photo..) * Back cover
Title: ??? (I can't read kanji and the seller couldn't either.. ^^;)
[Circle]/Author: [Music Festival] Soboro
Pages: 36
Pairing(s): Yamato+Jyou
Summary: Well... it takes place in 01 when the kids come back from the Digital World. Jyou's brother Shin appears a lot in the book, even talks with Yamato and gives him a soda ^^; I really can't follow the story, but it seems mostly like Yamato wanting Jyou the whole time... it's pretty and... pretty ^^; I've always loved Music Festival. I didn't know they had any Digimon doujins that weren't about goggle-boys ^^;; Seeing as they're more into doing Bikkuriman, I thought it was so cool to find a Digimon doujinshi of theirs that I bought it even though there was no color to even the cover. *shrug* It's all good, and lovely. Easy to scan, too, 'cos it's a 'copy-book' (it's not professionally published, just stapled together; I see a lot of them on Yahoo Japan).
Scans: Front cover * Some fluffy omake * Jyou and Shin * Yamato grabs Jyou * Why the Digicode, Yama? * Sexy omake
Title: Zero Two
[Circle]/Author: R and S (that's the only info I can find..)
Pages: about 46 (it's not numbered and I have little patience for counting)
Pairing(s): Takeru->Yamato, Yamato+Gabumon (for 4-koma gag purposes only)
Summary: There's a handful of stories in this book. The first one is short, involving the 02 kids looking for Yamato and Taichi in the Digital World. The second, longest, and main reason for my purchase, is about Yamato being the Digimon Kaizer, and Takeru trying to make him admit it. (Where Ken is in all this, I have no idea. The only time you see him in the entire book is in omake.) After that there are a few really short gag stories, the only one I feel like pointing out being where V-mon evolves into Fladoraemon (it's a great joke if you're familiar with Doraemon). At the end is a short movie gag with Wallace looking JUST like in the movie (really!) and using some random English. And there's an ADORABLE omake of Wallace with both his Digimon. ^^
Scans: Front cover * Hikari omake * Daisuke omake * Pretty Ken omake * Wallace omake * Back cover * And...
the Kaizer Yamato story (these are photos): Page One * Two * Three * Four * Five * Six * Seven * Eight * Nine * Ten * Eleven * Twelve
Title: Ja-Ta-Ke (useless factoid: this was one of the first doujinshi I ever wanted.)
[Circle]/Author: [Hyper Brond] Ichijou Karune
Pages: 48 (that's what the seller says--the book isn't numbered, yet again)
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato, TakeruxYamato (Yama plays the angsty uke very well here ^^)
Summary: I call this book "The Two Faces of Takeru" because of all the good/evil Take randomness that fills it. No, really. Even the cover shows it. ...It's another of those books that takes place at night. Taichi finds Yamato thinking about Takeru, cuddling and kissing ensue... then Takeru walks in on them and you just KNOW something bad's going down. Takeru gives Taichi the most evil of looks (it even creeps ME out), and it's all Taichi can do to keep Yamato from running to his little bro. ..Later that night, Take wakes Yama and leads him to a secluded area, presumably to talk. He summons some sort of dark energy and throws it at Yama, who falls to his knees, seeing images of good-Take. Then there's some dialogue, they talk about when Picodevimon tried to trick them with the bad mushrooms ('member that? ^^), all the while it's impossible to tell if Takeru's evil or not until he forces a kiss on Yama. Patamon enters, Takeru snaps out of the evil-thing, and then I get lost. ^^; I think the evil thing has to do with Patamon as well, 'cos Takeru sends it away and is good again. Sugary-sweet brother moment then, where (somewhere in there) Yamato agrees to kissing and sex and such (why else would there be misplaced clothing in the next scene?), Takeru's on top of him and starts crying I guess 'cos he feels bad for what he's done when evil.. then there's a two-page preview of the next book, which seems to be a continuation of the story.
Scans: Click here to see Karune's page on the book (it has an animation that shows both covers; click the right arrow above it to access inside art)
Title: Guruguru Triangle
[Circle]/Author: Katagiri Atsuko (yet again..)
Pages: 36 (hail! Someone who numbers their pages!)
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato, Yamato+Daisuke
Summary: There's a few stories in this one.. there's a one-pager involving videos of the first Digimon series, where Daisuke keeps pointing out all the Taito-scenes.. it's really cute ^^ Then there's three stories where Daisuke just seems to have the worst luck in the world.. Taichi and Yamato are a cute cute couple in all of them, feeding each other (or not) in the first story while Daisuke just sits there confused and jealous and such, ending in Takeru and Hikari walking in on a rather interesting scene (Taichi, please pull your shirt back down!). Then Daisuke finds them making out behind a bush, freaks, runs home. Jun asks him why he's in such a mood, and he can only get as far as mentioning Yamato's name when she starts flailing MADLY to know what's up with Yamato, what's the news? Should Daisuke tell her what he saw? Then, third story, Daisuke is taking some scrolls/posters/rolled-up things (I don't know!) to or from the PassCon room (y'know, the computer lab..) when he literally bumps into Yamato.. knocking him to the floor. Daisuke gets off in a panic, and apologizes like a maniac. Then, randomly, Yamato starts hitting on him(!), and Daisuke is in a COMPLETE panic.. and then notices Taichi has come in. Oops! A little lover's spat ensues, then they kiss and make up, and kiss, and kiss.. and all the while, Daisuke's just like, "Um, hello, I'm still here!" (the big boldface "ANO--" gives that one away) and he seems to be trapped between the two lovers. (It reads "SOS! SOS!" in small writing in the text bubble.. poor kid.) It ends with him being harrassed in the Digital World by Miyako and Takeru. W00t. ......it's worth mentioning that this book holds the most bizarre omake page EVER. But who am I to complain about nude Yamato?
Scans: Front/Back Cover * omake Yamato with cute pencil * "Yo." * Jun spazzes * Stop hitting on him! * Someone help Dai! * Bizarre omake
Title: Digital Tamago (Egg)
[Circle]/Author: Da Vinci-kun
Pages: 22
Pairing(s): HikarixYamato (gag)
Summary: Erm. Well, see, this is THE first doujinshi I ever wanted, since I saw it in the August 2000 issue of Animation magazine I picked up at Tokyo Kid that year. That's when I started looking for doujinshi on Ebay, in hopes that one day I would find it. My tastes have changed since then, and getting yaoi doujinshi is more my thing, but I sprang for this when I found it finally, just for old times' sake. Hasn't everyone had that feeling, to finally have the one thing that sparked their obsession? This isn't my first time experiencing it either (when I finally got that Fossil Mew card so fantastically randomly in the one last package of Japanese cards at the Comic Store), but I digress.
As for plot.. well, there's not really much of it.. it's mainly a 01 gag book of sorts. Pinocchimon harrasses Takeru, Yamato turns in anger and knocks his bro over, who chooses to go with Pinocchimon because of it; Taichi arranges a marriage between Yamato and Hikari, to Yamato's great distress; Sora and Taichi have an interesting talk involving some decorated bunny rubber figures, wherein Sora begins to ramble and Taichi gets bored; a pair of 4-koma about Angewomon; and a handful of standalone images, of which the Devimon and LadyDevimon one makes the book worth its price alone--it's a fabulous pic! The style of the art is quite cute in a non-fluffy sort of way, and my only regret is that you don't ever really see Koushirou or Jyou as much as the others--they're really only on the cover so you know the author knows they exist.. sigh.
Scans: Front Cover * Wedding? * Chosen Children figures * symbolic Tailmon egg * Devilish duo * Brother-pic * Back Cover
Title: Digital Panic Mujirushi
[Circle]/Author: various (including Ichijou Karune, Hiiragi Nozomu, Aijou Bank, Shinora Sakami, and several others)
Pages: around 200
Pairing(s): VamdemonxAngewomon, GomamonxJyou, MimixKoushirou, TakeruxYamato, TaichixYamato, TaichixKoushirou, etc...
Summary: Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is the first Digital Panic book.. it stays mostly 01 with one story where Daisuke first meets Taichi, Hikari, and Takeru (it looks to be a pre-02 story..). I really wish I could scan some stuff from this book, in particular gijinka-Gomamon. Cutie! ^^ My only complaint is the color of the slipcover. It's a neon-pinkish-reddish-orange, and it scans HORRIBLE. Oh, and the only hard yaoi story in the book is by my least favorite doujinshika. Meh.
Scans: Front Cover * Back Cover
Title: Yamato Cute (Yamakyuu)
[Circle]/Author: various (including Random Child, Takaishida, and several I already mentioned for other books ^^;;)
Pages: 80
Pairing(s): TaichixYamato, 02 Takerux01 Yamato, KoushirouxYamato, GabumonxYamato, KaizerxYamato, JyouxYamato
Summary: This is probably my dream book. It appears to be a Yamato doujinshi fair anthology; half of it is listings of the circles that attended and where they were located, and the other half is the anthology part. Reading from right to left, you get the doujinshi; left to right gets you the information pages. The book calls itself a "Yamato Ishida Uke Book" and wow, is it! ^^ Almost every pairing you can reasonably imagine (the only one that seems to be missing is with his father.. which I don't like anyway). In almost every corner of the book is a little chibi Yamato icon, and they are all so CUTE!!! *spaz* Oh, and the postcard that came with the book is pretti.
Scans: Info-side cover * KaizerxYamato omake * Is this symbolic or what?? * Small collection of Yama-cons * Postcard * Anthology-side Cover
Here we have some doujinshi from other anime series. I
won't go into as much detail on these.
Email me if you're interested in seeing information or scans for a particular
Title: Around the Secret
Series: Gundam Wing (1x2)
Artist: Sango ShowTitle: Moon Fight! 3
Series: Sailor Moon (it was 10 bucks, it was right there on the table in front of me, I had to.)
Artist: various (anthology)Title: Samurai Kids 9
Series: Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors) (11-year-old book, 200+ pages, 2 bucks... damn good deal!)
Artist: various (anthology)Title: Check 3
Series: Ghost Sweeper Mikami (JeekxYokoshima)
Artist: Pattsu!Title: Red Sin Blue Love
Series: Final Fantasy VII (SephxCloud, VinxCid)
Artists: Eru Nakato and Rika HonjouTitle: Feel So Mad
Series: Twin Signal (PulsexSignal)
Artist: JiyuujinTitle: Material Girl (yes, it refers to what you're thinking of!)
Series: Ghost Sweeper Mikami (all chara.. wow, not yaoi!!)
Artist: Yumi Kitamura [Pure company]Title: Check
Series: Ghost Sweeper Mikami (PetexYokoshima)
Artist: Pattsu! (though they went under the name Tek when they published this first book)Title: Check 2
Series: Ghost Sweeper Mikami (YukinojoxYokoshima)
Artist: Pattsu!